if using Mac, need VISA
Turning on the machine:
1. Turning the switch, like starting the car
2. Turn on chiller, to the top position
Sample preparation:
Clean the stage with IPA first
Use carbon tape (conductive, should look into how biological samples are made, sputtering with gold) , press the four corners
When using carbon tape: not too much, because the sample might be damaged when you remove it; not too little, because the sample might fall off the stage when tilted.
IMPORTANT: remember your sample position! Better to draw it on the paper
3. Check whether the SEM machine has warmed up or not, then turn on monitor
4. Put sample in, EVAC
the number ( the 7-segment display) will go down to zero
PREEVAC->HT READY (at this stage you can run the current)
5. press HT
Current button ( 12 o'clock or 1 o'clock position) Max: 1 o'clock
6. Turn the left monitor on, initial magnitude: X3000
How to tilt the stage?
Command-> stage t50
50 is the angle, t means to tilt; r means to rotate.
Adjust the focus:
WOBB, should be minimized (by adjusting the handle near the sample container, one is x position, one is y position)
ACCV (from MENU): increase the value, max: 15kV
Or using "stigmatism"
when adjusting the focus, use small particles
Taking pics:
SL3---the highest quality (this would take up one disk)
ALBUM (on monitor) ---save
TV2--sampling on a higher speed, used the adjust the position of the sample
if the frozen pic has bad quality, or not conformal, reduce the voltage
Turning off the SEM:
1. recude current to 0
press HT
2. LSP1
3. increase Magnitude to max: x300,000
turn off left monitor
5. turn right monitor off
wait until you can take the sample out
put chamber in EVAC again, wait until it's HT READY, or pressure goes to 0
Then turn off SEM and chiller
I will give myself 10 days to finish the following stuff:
About the lithography and developing
How to etch current wafer?
Oxidation on both sides, then get rid of the oxide on the front side (what method should I use??? RIE or PR??) ; wet etching the front side; then oxidation again.
Back side is rough, so I got holes on the membrane while etching. Try polishing wafer.(wafer that is polished on both sides) (where are they??)
About etching:
KOH conc. higher, etch rate goes down.
Higher temperature, worse selectivity (SiO2, Si), so I should try lower temperature. Also, I need to monitor the temperature of the KOH solution instead of just setting the hot plate.
better selectivity of SiO2 and Si
need to find out how to do TMAH
To reduce surface resistivity: dope the wafer.
Impurity/dopant increases, resistivity decreases.
Heavy doped material has low resistivity.
Things to be really careful with:
0. Clean wafer first (Heat)
1. Spinner
Apply HMDS--drop in the middle of the wafer, as glue for PR 1813
Operate Spinner, 3000RPM, 15s
2. Heat, 30s, 120 Celsius
3. PR 1813, deposit PR, 3000RPM, 30s in spinner
No bubbles!! No white light, use only yellow light(when using PR)
4. Hot plate, 1~1.5min, 120 Celsius