Unix Power Tools Study Notes Ch2

// How to read manpages in Unix
more — a pager, which allows you to page through the results. 
-s section
-k  equi to apropos command. this option searches database files for matches of a given keyword
Your system may have a config file for man named /etc/man.config
MANPATH    —environment variable
whatis cat 
equi to man -f on most systems.
finding where a command is located
-b only report the executable name
-m only report the location of the manual page
-s only search for source files
-u only issue a report if any of the requested info is missing
cd /usr/man/man1
egrep -i ‘colum|chop’ *
awk, cut both handle columns 
if a file is compressed, use grep -Z 
sed command adds the name to the start of every line grep outputs. 
less - see the output a screenful at a time and quit (with q) when you’re done. 
col -b removes the overstriking (for formatted manpages)
Each computer on a network needs a name. uname -n shows you this name. 
type sort (which version of sort am I using?)
type -all sort 
whence — similar to type
type and whence are built into shell
which —external command, it works everywhere. Because it isn’t built in shell, it can’t always ind out about aliases defined in your current shell.
ls -li `which man` `which apropos` `which whatis`
apropos, man and whatis are just one executable file that has three hard links. (in Darwin, they are separate entities; on my system, they are also separate)
tty — a Unix device file that handles input and output for your terminal, window, etc. Each tty has its own filename. 
run tty command at shell tells which tty you are on. 
$ tty
you can tell other users to type write your-username tty01
a system file like /etc/ttys lists which ttys are used for that. 
who — lists the users logged on to the system now. 
search the output of who with grep 
who | grep “^hal “       ….where is hal logged on? 
A tty is a native terminal device, the backend is either hardware or kernel emulated. A pty (pseudo terminal device) is a terminal device which is emulated by an other program (example: xterm , screen , or ssh are such programs). A pts is the slave part of a pty.
info is based on a hypertext link linkage between topic components.
info info


Unix Study Notes Comments(23) Mon, 02 Nov 2015 23:34:47 -0700

Unix Power Tools Study Notes Ch1

My personal study notes. Unix Power Tools (3rd Edition)
POSIX — Portable Operating System Interface (IEEE standard)
A shell is a command interpreter. 
Programs can be strung together in “pipelines” in which the output of one program is used as the input of another
A vertical bar ( | ) represents pipe and means “take the output of the program on the left and feed it into the program on the right."
less -- read its standard input from a pipe and still interact with you at the keyboard. It does that by reading directly from your tty. 
exception (Emacs) — once it starts, the editor works independently of the shell, reading its input and output directly from the terminal. 
Traditionally, a command interpreter is called a “shell”, it’s just another program. 
The Mac uses a carriage return ASCII character 015 to mark the end of each line, while Unix uses a linefeed (ASCII 012). As a result, with Unix, the file looks like one long paragraph, with no ned in sight. 
tr can convert every occurrence of one character in a file to another:
tr ‘\015’ ‘\012’ <file.mac >file.unix
a basic for loop
for x 
     echo "Converting $x"
     tr ‘\015’ ‘\012’ <“$x”  > “tmp.$x"
     mv “tmp.$x” “$x"
The search path: a list of directories that the shell should look through for a command whose name matches what is typed. The search path isn’t built into the shell, you specify in your shell setup files. 
PATH —an environment variable
The kernel is the heart of the Unix OS itself. 
The kernel assigns memory to each of the programs that are running, partitions time fairly so that each program can get its job done, handles all I/O operations, etc. 
daemons— are the system’s “helpers”, they run continuously, or from time to time— small but important tasks like handling mail, running network communications, feeding data to your printer. 
ps x —— get a list of all processes running on your system
ps aux —— see everything that’s running, including the deamons (or ps -el)
to turn off a UNIX, first run shutdown
when turning on a Unix machine, it runs fsck (file system disk check) first
ls -a
lists files including those names start with a .
Unix OS doesn’t consider . in a file name
in Unix, rm * is very dangerous, it deletes everything under the current directory
in other OS, you need to say *.*  to refer to all files
? matches a single character
* matches zero or more characters
[character-list] matches any single character that appears in the list. 
[a-zA-Z] means any alphabetic English character
Wildcards never match / , which is both the name of the filesystem root, and the character used to separate directory names in a path. The only way to match is to escape it (\)
hierarchical file system (tree structured)
A directory is a special kind of file that lists a bunch of other files. A directory can contain any number of files (try to keep it under 100 though). A directory can also contain other directories. 
At the top, is the directory called “root” , which has the special name / 
/home  home directory
/etc  has configuration files
pwd —print working directory (to find out your current directory)
path begins with /, it is an absolution path.
./textfile can also execute the file if it is given executable file permissions
File Access Permissions
The user entry in the master password file /etc/passwd defines his “primary group membership"
The /etc/group file defines the groups that are available and can also assign other users to these groups as needed. 
Every file belongs one user and one group. 
As the file owner, you can use chgrp to change the file’s group. 
Use chown to change the file’s owner.
Nine mode bits
3 groups, owner, a member of the file’s group, or other <read, write or execute>
In general, a process is a program that’s running. 
To become the superuser, you can either log in as root or use the su command 
The structures of a file is defined by the program who uses it, not by the Unix OS. 
Unix programs abide by one convention. Text files uses a single newline character (linefeed) between lines of text, rather than the carriage return-linefeed combination used in Windows or the carriage returns used in the Macintosh. This difference may cause problems when you bring files from other OS over to Unix. Windows files will often be littered with carriage returns (Ctrl-M), which are necessary for that OS but superfluous for Unix. Mac text files will appear to be one long line with no breaks. Use Unix utilities to convert Mac and Windows files for Unix. 
Perl, Python and Tcl.
Perl—regular expressions, working with files and other forms of I/O.
Python— more OO and data-manipulation features than the file-manipulation and regular-expression manipulation of Perl.
Tcl— popular with Linux systems. Tk toolkit (GUI library)
………………Unix Networking…………….
The internet — is a worldwide network of computers. 
WWW — World Wide Web is a set of information servers on the Internet. The servers are linked into a hypertext web of documents, graphics, sound and more. Your browser turn that hypertext into an easy-to-use Internet interface.
ftp — one way to transfer files between your computer and another computer with TCP/IP.
UUCP —Unix-to-Unix Copy, a family of programs (uucp, uux, uulog, and others)
Usenet — a collection of thousands of computers worldwide that exchange files called news articles
telnet—This utility logs into a remote computer over a network (such as the Internet) using TCP/IP. You can work on the remote computer as if it were your local computer. telnet can log you into other OS from your Unix host and vice versa. 
rsh— “remote shell” to run a command on a remote system w/o needing to log in interactively. Often used to start the “X Window System” 
ssh— acts like rsh and rlogin, but it makes a secure encrypted connection to the remote computer. 
rcp — “remote cp"
scp — secure version of rcp 
NFS— not a user utility.  The Network FileSystem and related packages like NIS (Network Information Service) let system administrator mount remote computers’ filesystems onto your local computer. 
write — sends msg to another use’s screen. 
talk — it splits the screen into two pieces and let users type at the same time if they wish. 
irc— Internet Relay Chat allows multiple users to carry on multiple discussions across the Internet and other networks. 


Unix Study Notes Comments(8) Mon, 02 Nov 2015 23:34:59 -0700

scope and limitation of research

The scope of research is the areas covered in the research. This part of the research paper you will tell exactly what was done and where the information that was used specifically came from.The type of information that would be included in the scope 

of a research project would include facts and theories about the subject of the project. Depending on the subject, the scope can be large or small, as there are different materials available for different projects.
The limitations, also known as the bounds, is the cease of the scope of studies. When enough information has been gathered from a scope of a study, the individual who is doing the project may "wrap up" the information once a conclusion can be formed. Projects with too much information may bore or overwhelm the audience and cause the project to be ineffective due to the lack of information retained.For example, the scope would be something such as a person gathering information from children between the ages of five years of age to 18 years of age. The information could be used for several purposes, such as for school record keeping.The limitations of this study would include the decision to not gather information from students from college and up. The information for school record keeping would not include those who have already graduated high school; therefore, information collected from college students and beyond would be irrelevant.Every research project includes scopes and limitations of the material being researched. With out these two factors, the reports would be meaningless and drone on for a length of time, and would not benefit any one in the long run. For more information, please see:www.reference.com

Research Comments(8) Sat, 30 Mar 2013 15:59:43 -0600

how to write a research proposal---methodology


Research Comments(10) Tue, 12 Mar 2013 17:47:43 -0600





被偷事件发生于ROSS,ROSS里的墨西哥人总是特别多~~嗯~~周六晚上我去买袜子,然后被别的东西吸引了~ 然后因为店里太热,就把随身的挂包挂在一个架子上脱掉外套~ 结果自己一脑残,就给忘了~ 然后跑到店里别的地方去了~ 然后大约5分钟以后想起来了~ 哇噻~~冲到那个我挂包的地方~ 包被放在另外一个地方了,结果钱包和信用卡都在,就手机消失了~ 这个手机我刚用才不到一个月~ 而且因为(此处我又脑残了)我嫌麻烦没有设lock screen密码~ 结果就是小偷可以各种更改我的手机设置,当然她做的第一件事就是关GPS~ 我回家后立刻改google帐户密码。。各种密码~但是手机上已有的信息就没有办法了~  我在google play上找各种lost android phone软件。。试了n种~ 当然因为俺滴lovely boyfriend用的手机是一模一样的,所以我们就先在他的手机上试,哪个好使哪个不好使。。比如 plan b 就不好用,而且因为要向手机发短信,所以还会惊动小偷。我就是因为惊动了小偷,结果她把network location也给关了。。。这个时候我就一点办法都没有了~~

提一下androidlost 这个app,通过androidlost.com这个网站可以向你的手机发出各种命令,包括让手机响铃,用前后摄像头照到手机所处的环境~ 还有可能照到贼嘛!我装了这个软件没多久,就发现贼开始跟我较劲了。我装一遍,她卸一遍 (反复无数次)。。。我半夜4点多起来继续装,结果她4点半就给我卸了 (这时就知道如果手机有pattern code或者pin的话,那贼就没办法了,她要么开机不能做任何设置,当然 GPS她也就关不了了;要么她关机。。那偷个板砖有什么意思呢)如果我的手机有密码的话,我就不至于折腾这么久才定位,早就结束战斗了!而且发现重要的一点是google不允许任何软件远程开启GPS,个人隐私原因。。。现在不想争论这个做法到底是否英明,但是这样的话,除非小偷自己开GPS,否则我还是一点办法都没有。

因为我在丢手机之前没有装任何anti-theft之类的软件~ 只在google latitude上找到大概的位置,但是不精确~ 如果想远程wipe掉手机上的数据,需要提前做admin授权,当然手机已经丢了情况下小偷是不会给你按那个按钮帮你admin授权的。这些软件应该提前都装好以防万一,结果我傻缺的什么都没有装。很多anti-theft软件都要求提前授权,所以这些软件对我的情况来说全都没用。

去问T-mobile:我们已经报了IMEI number给警方,如果小偷拿着这个手机来买sim卡,你们会run this IMEI number然后查出这个手机是被报丢失的吗?人家笑眯眯的说“不会哦。。。我们会给他新的SIM卡"生气一听这个我火大啊!!。。。我想通过运营商把手机变板砖让贼用不了的想法也破灭了~ 运营商能卖SIM卡就卖,才不管手机是怎么来的呢。

这么着斗争了1晚上加1整天。。。我都快要放弃了。。结果小偷今天早上(周一)跑去t-mobile换sim卡去了~ 我早上6点去睡,12点起来一看androidlost.com上sim卡信息换了~ 我赶紧装androidlost jumpstart,这个app是在你手机的SIM不是你自己的,你不知道新手机号的情况下用的~ 装了之后马上发GPS定位请求,结果终于收到了经纬度!啊啊啊决定性的时刻啊!用前摄像头照到照片知道手机是在家里放着的,我直接把她家的房子在google map上揪出来了~ 这时再发送任何请求信息,发现万恶的贼已经把这个app给卸了。。动作真够快的

这时我就打印出地址,带上各种证据,到贼家附近的地方,给警察打电话,叫他们来陪我一起去。结果警察叔叔忙啊忙啊。。。过了2个多小时终于等来了 (非紧急情况下不是能打911的,请google你们所在的county non-emergency number~非紧急情况下警察是按来电话的顺序去现场的,而且如果中途发生紧急事故,那么我们就被会往后推)警察跟我们说的是:这种情况下不能保证手机一定可以拿回来,因为他们可以否认自己偷了。但是androidlost这个app可以使手机响警报,这样的话我就可以证明手机是我的了~ 不过捏,那个贼见警察来了就把手机关机了。所以我怎么弄警报也不响。 我是没有权力进入他们家里的,警察其实也不可以,但是那家人让警察进去了。我不知道警察跟他们说了什么,但是我有一张那个贼半张脸的照片,给警察看了一下,他们说”哇,这照片很有帮助!“ (虽然只有半张脸) 我想警察可能也吓唬他们了吧。。最后警察拿着我的手机从他家里出来了!! 开心啊开心!!!我一高兴就忘了要耳麦了,便宜他们了,哼!结果我拿着手机开心的走在街上的时候,一开机,手机警铃大作吓了我自己一大跳!足足响了2分钟尴尬。。充分证明了androidlost还是挺好使。。感谢警察(2位叔叔长得都很帅哦! :) 幸运的是贼住的是house,如果是apartment我就杯具了。。挨家挨户的去敲门估计就希望渺茫了

万恶的贼是个孕妇,加上她的丑老公。。在我手机上装了n个游戏还画好多张画!! 还写了个菜谱! 我去。。。叹气


总结一下我用过的软件: (全部是在手机丢了之后远程安装的)

最终帮我把手机找回来的是androidlost和androidlost jumpstart,通过GPS精确定位到10米以内.

对我来说没有帮助的是: plan b, 要向丢失的手机发短信惊动小偷,而且没有收到任何追踪信息

droid lost finder,经测试可以用,定位通过GPS和network location。network location不太精确。但是小偷把我的GPS和network location都关了,所以当时也没有发挥效力

google latitude给的定位差了一个block,有可能是贼就在那时关了GPS呢,但是google latitude不能给出具体的位置,是个范围

我试图通过google sync和google device policy来远程删除我手机上的所有数据,结果发现任何软件都不能在没有admin授权的情况下远程删除(防黑客嘛。。可以理解)

另外还有一大把,不一一提了。最恶心的是某些0.99刀的app, 知道丢手机的人都着急,不在乎这点钱,然后装了之后就发现完全是垃圾。


最终结论: lock screen密码太关键了,如果有这个。。要不小偷你别开机 ,只要开机我就能抓到你!

另:使用智能手机还是提前装好各种anti-theft吧,最好再自己测试一下,防患于未燃啊~ 看评论并不是每个软件对每个手机都好用。

Sphinx Comments(5) Mon, 11 Feb 2013 23:09:24 -0700

open course links











Udemy是一家C2C的线上教育平台,各行各业的行家里手都可以在这里自创课程,学术类的课程比较少,比如目前最火的课程是《怎样用好Excel》。 部分课程付费。




Venture Lab是斯坦福大学自己建的一个MOOC站点,只有5门课程,但是全部都是创业主题的。对这方面感兴趣的童鞋可以关注。


B. 老牌的公开课



1. http://ocw.mit.edu/



2. http://www.khanacademy.org/


C. 交互式课程




1. http://www.codecademy.com/



2. http://duolingo.com/



Sphinx Comments(5) Mon, 04 Feb 2013 12:21:06 -0700

6 Simple Rituals To Reach Your Potential Every Day


It’s Tuesday morning at 8 a.m. Two San Francisco entrepreneurs are pitching their ventures to potential investors today. They’d both agree that this is one of the most important days of their lives. This is the story of Jane and Joe...

Jane was up until 4 a.m. putting the final touches on her deck. In fact, she spent the entire weekend fixed in her apartment, preparing the presentation. This morning, she woke up late and rushed putting together her most “investor-worthy” attire. She slammed a shot of espresso, grabbed her computer, and ran out the door feeling hungry and tired. She arrived right on time but felt anxious and flustered about the events of the morning.

Joe, on the other hand, went to sleep last night at 11 p.m., as he does most nights of the week. His presentation was ready Friday afternoon, after seven revisions thanks to feedback from advisors. He spent the weekend in nature connecting with friends. This morning, he woke up at 7 a.m., had a glass of water, ran two miles, meditated for 15 minutes, and drank a smoothie. He put on the outfit he picked out the evening before, grabbed his bag, and walked out the door. He arrived 10 minutes early, feeling confident, calm, and eager to share his vision with potential investors.

Which entrepreneur would you bet on?

And, which entrepreneur most closely resembles you?

1. Drink a glass of water when you wake up. Your body loses water while you sleep, so you’re naturally dehydrated in the morning. A glass of water when you wake helps start your day fresh. When do you drink your first glass of water each day?

2. Define your top 3. Every morning Mike asks himself, “What are the top three most important tasks that I will complete today?” He prioritizes his day accordingly and doesn’t sleep until the Top 3 are complete. What’s your "Top 3" today?

3. The 50/10 Rule. Solo-task and do more faster by working in 50/10 increments. Use a timer to work for 50 minutes on only one important task with 10 minute breaks in between. Mike spends his 10 minutes getting away from his desk, going outside, calling friends, meditating, or grabbing a glass of water. What’s your most important task for the next 50 minutes?

4. Move and sweat daily. Regular movement keeps us healthy and alert. It boosts energy and mood, and relieves stress. Most mornings you’ll find Mike in a CrossFit or a yoga class. How will you sweat today?

5. Express gratitude. Gratitude fosters happiness, which is why Mike keeps a gratitude journal. Every morning, he writes out at least five things he’s thankful for. In times of stress, he’ll pause and reflect on 10 things he’s grateful for. What are you grateful for today?

6. Reflect daily. Bring closure to your day through 10 minutes of reflection. Mike asks himself, “What went well?” and “What needs improvement?” So... what went well today? How can you do more of it?

Research Comments(9) Fri, 18 Jan 2013 14:29:03 -0700

What I got on Black Friday! :)

so happy!

Sphinx Comments(9) Wed, 28 Nov 2012 01:28:38 -0700

12 truths you should know by now


Sphinx Comments(8) Fri, 02 Nov 2012 13:59:17 -0600



  1.善于规划的人,会将任务划分为一个个的里程碑,再将里程碑分割成TODO list,在完成一段内容后获得成就感,驱动最后完成任务。避免了长时间未接收到反馈时带来的挫败感以及无法坚持进一步投入的后果。 








  9.“学习一项知识,必须问自己三个重要问题:1. 它的本质是什么。2. 它的第一原则是什么。3. 它的知识结构是怎样的。”很重要,但很难的三个哲学问题;



  1)你的问题到底是什么?2)目前我的收获? 3)设想自己正在将东西讲给别人听。4)设想讲给一个不懂的人听。5)反思自己的思维过程。



  3.好资料,坏资料。好资料的特点:从问题出发;重点介绍方法背后的理念( rationale ),注重直观解释,而不是方法的技术细节;按照方 



我读 Comments(2) Tue, 23 Oct 2012 16:33:17 -0600