scope and limitation of research

The scope of research is the areas covered in the research. This part of the research paper you will tell exactly what was done and where the information that was used specifically came from.The type of information that would be included in the scope 

of a research project would include facts and theories about the subject of the project. Depending on the subject, the scope can be large or small, as there are different materials available for different projects.
The limitations, also known as the bounds, is the cease of the scope of studies. When enough information has been gathered from a scope of a study, the individual who is doing the project may "wrap up" the information once a conclusion can be formed. Projects with too much information may bore or overwhelm the audience and cause the project to be ineffective due to the lack of information retained.For example, the scope would be something such as a person gathering information from children between the ages of five years of age to 18 years of age. The information could be used for several purposes, such as for school record keeping.The limitations of this study would include the decision to not gather information from students from college and up. The information for school record keeping would not include those who have already graduated high school; therefore, information collected from college students and beyond would be irrelevant.Every research project includes scopes and limitations of the material being researched. With out these two factors, the reports would be meaningless and drone on for a length of time, and would not benefit any one in the long run. For more information, please

Research Comments(8) Sat, 30 Mar 2013 15:59:43 -0600

how to write a research proposal---methodology


Research Comments(10) Tue, 12 Mar 2013 17:47:43 -0600

6 Simple Rituals To Reach Your Potential Every Day


It’s Tuesday morning at 8 a.m. Two San Francisco entrepreneurs are pitching their ventures to potential investors today. They’d both agree that this is one of the most important days of their lives. This is the story of Jane and Joe...

Jane was up until 4 a.m. putting the final touches on her deck. In fact, she spent the entire weekend fixed in her apartment, preparing the presentation. This morning, she woke up late and rushed putting together her most “investor-worthy” attire. She slammed a shot of espresso, grabbed her computer, and ran out the door feeling hungry and tired. She arrived right on time but felt anxious and flustered about the events of the morning.

Joe, on the other hand, went to sleep last night at 11 p.m., as he does most nights of the week. His presentation was ready Friday afternoon, after seven revisions thanks to feedback from advisors. He spent the weekend in nature connecting with friends. This morning, he woke up at 7 a.m., had a glass of water, ran two miles, meditated for 15 minutes, and drank a smoothie. He put on the outfit he picked out the evening before, grabbed his bag, and walked out the door. He arrived 10 minutes early, feeling confident, calm, and eager to share his vision with potential investors.

Which entrepreneur would you bet on?

And, which entrepreneur most closely resembles you?

1. Drink a glass of water when you wake up. Your body loses water while you sleep, so you’re naturally dehydrated in the morning. A glass of water when you wake helps start your day fresh. When do you drink your first glass of water each day?

2. Define your top 3. Every morning Mike asks himself, “What are the top three most important tasks that I will complete today?” He prioritizes his day accordingly and doesn’t sleep until the Top 3 are complete. What’s your "Top 3" today?

3. The 50/10 Rule. Solo-task and do more faster by working in 50/10 increments. Use a timer to work for 50 minutes on only one important task with 10 minute breaks in between. Mike spends his 10 minutes getting away from his desk, going outside, calling friends, meditating, or grabbing a glass of water. What’s your most important task for the next 50 minutes?

4. Move and sweat daily. Regular movement keeps us healthy and alert. It boosts energy and mood, and relieves stress. Most mornings you’ll find Mike in a CrossFit or a yoga class. How will you sweat today?

5. Express gratitude. Gratitude fosters happiness, which is why Mike keeps a gratitude journal. Every morning, he writes out at least five things he’s thankful for. In times of stress, he’ll pause and reflect on 10 things he’s grateful for. What are you grateful for today?

6. Reflect daily. Bring closure to your day through 10 minutes of reflection. Mike asks himself, “What went well?” and “What needs improvement?” So... what went well today? How can you do more of it?

Research Comments(9) Fri, 18 Jan 2013 14:29:03 -0700

write introduction

前言:有些学位论文有一个大前言。所谓大前言,就是相对每个章节而言,每个章节内往往还有一个前言。前言要讲清楚研究背景,论文涉及到的研究内容的相关进展,主要是学说、理论等方面的发展,国内外现在存在的争论,遗留的问题等等。然后要介绍所研究的对象,相关的研究积累,已经有的主要发现,还没有解决的问题或者值得进一步解决的问题。根据积累和国内外学科领域的发展,围绕感兴趣的科学问题,提出科学假说(Hypothesis),根据科学假说,提出预测 (Prediction)等。这也就是研究的目的了。选准了问题,目的就明确了。许多论文是没有问题,没有假说,只是说国内还没有相关资料,因此我就做了。现在的科学(尤其是生物科学),多数是以假说驱动的研究(hypothesis-driven),达尔文时代的那种博物学(Natural history)式的研究还是很重要,但是已经不是主流了。因此,如果你从事的不是野外考察研究,不是需要经过大量的考察和积累后才能获得一些结论性的内容的研究的话,一定要注意当今这种“问题-假说-预测-设计-实验-数据分析”的流程思维的培养。



Research Comments(1) Tue, 07 Feb 2012 17:09:12 -0700

PV modules and battery system

Electrical components of the system:


charge controller




other BOS components.



low power applications

fast response times

nearly infinite cycle life

do not release heat during dischrage

can also smooth power fluctuations in electrical systems, improving power quality


Inverters: DC->AC

battery-based inverters: actual outpot is determined by the power demand from the loads; most include built-in battery chargers and charge controllers

utility-interactive inverters operate directly from arrays, output is determined by the DC input from the array.


Rectifier: AC->DC

A Charger is a device that combines a rectifier with filters, transformers, and other components to condition DC power for the purpose of battery charging. 



An MPPT circuit monitors array conditions and dynamically changes its resistance or input voltage to maximize power from an array. The rest of the MPPT works like a DC-DC converter and delivers power at any output voltage required by the load. MPPT functions are usually indlcuded with an inverter or charge controller, but may instaed be a separate component.


Research Comments(44) Thu, 31 Mar 2011 22:45:48 -0600

Thesis Defense





















作为将要参加论文答辩同学,首先而且必须对自己所著的毕业论文内容有比较深刻理解和比较全面的熟悉。这是为回答毕业论文答辩委员会成员就有关毕业论文的深度及相关知识面而可能提出的论文答辩问题所做的准备。所谓“深刻的理解”是对毕业论文有横向的把握。例如题为《创建名牌产品发展民族产业》的论文,毕业论文答辩委员会可能会问“民族品牌”与“名牌”有何关系。尽管毕业论文中未必涉及“民族品牌”,但 参加论文答辩的学生必须对自己的毕业论文有“比较全面的熟悉”和“比较深刻的理解”,否则,就会出现尴尬局面。





一般在比较正规的论文答辩会上,都对辩手有答辩时间要求,因此,毕业 论文答辩学生在进行论文答辩时应重视论文答辩时间的掌握。对论文答辩时间的控制要有力度,到该截止的时间立即结束,这样,显得有准备,对内容的掌握和控制也轻车熟路,容易给毕业论文答辩委员会成员一个良好的印象。故在毕业论文答辩前应该对将要答辩的内容有时间上的估计。当然在毕业论文答辩过程中灵活地减少或增加也是对论文答辩时间控制的一种表现,应该重视。



Research Comments(1) Tue, 29 Mar 2011 12:05:31 -0600


Research: see what other people have not done

Research Comments(6) Fri, 18 Jun 2010 13:39:34 -0600