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I'm confused about life

Sally posted @ Thu, 31 Mar 2011 21:32:24 -0600 in Journal , 1632 readers

Today I talked to two different friends about how to really find my true passion. Honestly, I was so naive. I never thought about this problem before. When I was in high school, I thought science and techonology were just so cool, and I wanted to be a scientist. In college, I wasn't even thinking about my future career! I was overwhelmed by school work and going abroad was my only goal. I just wanted to go to America. But this can't be ultimate. Staying in America is a state of life, but this can't be the goal for career. 

Now I'm puzzled about love, about research, and also I start to think about this huge life problem. Some people are lucky, they have found the answer to this question in the early stage of life. Like my CS friend who is an experienced programmer by now, and my musician friend who is very accomplished. They both enjoy their occupation, and they are happy. Of course I know there isn't an easy career, unless you truly want an oridinary and plain life. That's not what I want for sure. I long for freedom and adventure. I want to do something meaningful with my life, to me and to others! 

How come I was so naive?? I don't even know myself. What are my strong and weak points? Do I have the talent to be an engineer?? To what extent do I love programming?? To what extent do I love music??

Sometimes if I hate something, I doubt: whether it is because I can't do it well so I hate it? Or is this simply just not my interest? 

After studying in the field of engineering for so many years, I think I at least gained the ability to see the world via the eye of an engineer. The way I think also got shaped by intensive study. However, there's still a long way for me to go. Now I look back, my knowledge foundation of Electrical Engineering is not solid at all! I need to review basic engineering stuff, advanced mathematics, digital design, and programming!

Plux said:
Sat, 16 Apr 2011 05:31:27 -0600

As a freshmen, knowing little about the place far away from home, I am confused about my future.
In high school, I always dreamed of being a programmer and now I finally get the chance to achieve my goal. But I feel puzzled. I seemed to have accomplished much but when refering to the project I participated in or the program I built, I couldn't give a clear answer. It seemed that I didn't do anything.
I think you're good. What you mentioned was something that I had never read about.
Sorry, my English is really poor...

Sally said:
Sun, 17 Apr 2011 13:23:21 -0600

@Plux: Hey Plux...thank you for sharing your ideas! Since you are a freshman, you've got the time to think this through!
:D you have three more years for you to find out your ability and passion. The point is to always keep searching, keep this problem in mind :) I suggest you read the speech by Steve Jobs "Stay hungry, Stay Foolish"

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